About Us
The Centre for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (CQuIPS) was founded in 2009 as a joint partnership between the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine and two of its major teaching hospitals, the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. With the announced renewal of the Centre in 2020, Women’s College Hospital (WCH) joined as a new funding partner. The University of Toronto constituted CQuIPS as an extra-departmental unit (EDU), which are multidisciplinary entities organized around emerging areas of research and teaching that span traditional disciplines.
Under the leadership of our inaugural Director, Kaveh Shojania, CQuIPS prioritized capacity building through education, developing programs that equip health care professionals, managers and leaders with the knowledge and skills to develop, execute and evaluate QI projects and lead patient safety initiatives. CQuIPS leadership and core members led a variety of impactful research programs, producing papers and obtaining grants in greater numbers than any comparable Canadian centre and on par with prominent international centres.
In 2020, Brian Wong was named CQuIPS Director. The Centre renewed the centre’s strategic plan and updated its core vision and mission, identifying health equity and health system resilience as areas of thematic focus. While still maintaining its strong commitment to capacity building, the Centre also strives to energize its research and scholarship activities by working collaboratively with new and current partners to ensure that its scholarship impacts tangible health system needs.

Our Vision
Everyone striving for better health outcomes for all
Our Mission
quality and patient safety
Our Impact
Through our Strategic Plan “Quality for a Changed World” we mapped out the guiding foundation to the work that we do. During this unique time in history, we have chosen to embed two key themes into our strategic plan: health system resilience and health equity.
CQuIPS has engaged in both a five-year and a ten-year standard external review process as an EDU at the University of Toronto. Both reviews were extremely positive demonstrating the exceptional progress of the Centre.
Who We Are
CQuIPS is an extra-departmental unit (EDU), defined by the University as a flexible, multidisciplinary entity organized around emerging research and teaching areas that cut across traditional disciplines and departments. As an EDU, we do not appoint faculty members or admit students. Consistent with the model for other multi-departmental academic units at the University of Toronto, the governance of the Centre for Patient Safety consists of an executive committee and an advisory council.