Allison Brown
Allison Brown is an assistant professor in the Department of Medicine and Department of Community Health Sciences in the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary. She completed a Master of Science in Health Research Methods (McMaster University) and a PhD in Community Health Sciences (University of Calgary).
Allison has more than eight years of quality improvement and patient safety experience, including in the clinical and academic contexts. To date, she has taught more than 1,000 medical learners about quality improvement, including annually as a visiting lecturer at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ireland. Her passion for teaching quality improvement to others has inspired much of her research, including her doctoral thesis which included a realist synthesis of the contexts and mechanisms associated with quality improvement curricular outcomes and a comparative analysis of pedagogical strategies at the postgraduate level. She has published her work in BMJ Quality and Safety, Perspectives on Medical Education, BMJ Open Quality, Teaching & Learning in Medicine and Medical Education. Allison’s current program of research continues to explore how best to teach quality improvement in medical education, with a particular focus on teaching and assessment strategies as part of competency-based models of training.