Beth Gamulka
Beth Gamulka is a hospital-based paediatrician who has spent her career splitting her clinical responsibilities between tertiary and community hospitals in the GTA. Currently, she is a staff physician at SickKids in the Divisions of Paediatric Medicine and Emergency Medicine as well as at North York General Hospital in the Department of Paediatrics. After completing the C-QuIPS Excellence in Quality Improvement Certificate Program (EQUIP) in 2019, Beth became an active participant in the Sepsis Program at SickKids and the clinical coordination, management and investigation of children with Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C). She also joined the faculty of the Co-Learning Curriculum in QI Program for fellows and is one of the faculty members providing QI education for core paediatric trainees. Given her perspective working in both the academic inpatient and emergency settings as well as in community hospitals, Beth has a particular interest in improving transitions of care between tertiary and community settings. Her main QI focus for the C-QUIPS Improvement Fellowship will be on QI implementation of a new EMR-based sepsis recognition tool on the inpatient paediatric medicine units at SickKids.