Wendy Kingsburgh
Wendy Kingsburgh is a registered Social Worker with a Masters degree in Social Work and has been at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre for over 2 decades, primarily working in General Internal Medicine. Her quality improvement journey began with the PBRI TASHNp Fellowship in 2017, followed by the CQuIPS certificate course in 2018 and then she graduated from the Institute of Health, Policy, Management and Evaluation MSc in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety in 2020. She currently works as a Performance Improve Specialist with the Quality, Patient Safety & Enterprise Risk department at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Wendy brings a unique lens to her role by having a solid knowledge of the social determinants of health combined with systemic and equity issues. She is excited about her Healthcare Improvement Fellowship project: Language Concordant Care: Improving access to care in patient’s preferred language.