TAHSN Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Community of Practice (QIPS CoP)
The TAHSN Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS) Community of Practice (CoP) is a partnership between Toronto Academic Health Sciences Network (TAHSN) hospitals and Toronto-based QIPS-focused groups, organizations and institutions. Its establishment was motivated by the need for a forum to support shared learning and the opportunity to take collective action to address system-wide concerns such as care inequities and patient safety.
- Strengthen communication among members of the QIPS community through knowledge exchange and translation
- Leverage unique strengths and areas of expertise within QIPS units, groups and organizations
- Identify priority areas for collaborative and collective action and focused research and scholarship
By joining the TAHSN QIPS CoP, you will receive access to regular meetings and presentations, as well as the bi-monthly community bulletin. Members can choose to join the General CoP or a particular workstream. Currently only the focus area of Improving Patient Safety is open as an active workstream. The tools and outcomes from the Equity and Data Sharing areas of focus are available below.
Previous general TAHSN QIPS CoP meeting topics include:
- Multisite Delirium Prevention Initiative Enabled by AI-Driven Delirium Measurement Tool
- Sustainable Health Systems
- CPSO Hospital QI Partnership Program
- Advancing Language Concordant Care at TAHSN hospitals
- Building Organizational Capacity for QI
- Ethical review of QI/QA at TAHSN hospitals
- Scaling Up Proven QIPS Solutions
- Collecting Health Equity Data
- Data Sharing for QI Projects
- Addressing Serious Safety Events
- Equity in Action
Topic suggestions or requests can be sent to: camille.denbigh@sickkids.ca
Get Involved with the TAHSN QIPS Community of Practice

The Advancing Equity Through QIPS began as a focused workstream of the TAHSN QIPS CoP in 2022. The goals for this working group were focused around three initiatives:
- Improving language concordant care through increased use of professional interpretative services in General Internal Medicine to lead more equitable care
- Embedding EDI principles into QIPS education and training to address equity related concerns
- Research study exploring equity considerations in hospital safety event monitoring systems that could influence patient safety practices and policies
Improving Patient Safety
While keeping patients safe is the ultimate goal of every healthcare organization, many have their own way of classifying patient safety incidents, making it difficult to share learnings and track collective efforts over time. This work stream will build on an existing patient safety collaborative that, for more than three years, has harnessed the collective QIPS expertise across participating organizations to reduce preventable patient harm.
Workstream leads:
Laura Pozzobon
Richard Wray